Yoga, Laughter, Joy, Light, and Life
Before you were born, you weren't here, after you die, you are not going to be here...
Sooo, don't you think it is time to BE HAPPY?

I want to be happy. I want to enjoy my life fully. I want to be free and laugh my butt off. I want to dance through my life.
Who wouldn't want that?
There might be people who say that the more important things are being serious, knowing what is going on and having everything under control. Well, this site is definitely not for them, even though I feel deep respect towards them.
This website is for you,
who want to feel happy throughout life, feel liberty and inner peace, feel and use their body so it is alive, it is for you, my dear friends, who appreciate every breath you take, who want to be relaxed about things and are not afraid to live fully, to jump into risks, into the never-ending flow of life. Because life is a movement.
So come with me and let's start moving our thoughts and our bodies! I am with you!
This video is for you to start feeling relaxed, to start feeling hope and light. I was making it in Bali full of emotions, full of presence and full of Love. I hope you feel it too. I am with you.

What does it matter if I am right...

Who is Judita Berkova?
The girl, who does everything "wrong".
She eats too much carbohydrates... She wears high heels... Her lordosis is too big... She parties... She drinks coffee...
Yet, she is a very successful YOGA TEACHER
and she is a super specialist on being unconditionally happy!
Do you want to be happy? Than watch out for the MIND POLICE!
Have you noticed how when you come across somebody who is in a worse mood than you, your mood usually also goes down? Well, it is because it is always easier to go down than to go up!
Negativity is lazy!
Negativity is very lazy and gives the person very secure sense of life. Even though it is not pleasant, it is secure and that counts.
It takes courage to decide to be happy!
To be happy, on the other hand, requires a decision, trust and inner freedom. All of those are action oriented. Imagine a negative person - all blurry, sitting, complaining, doing not much. And now imagine a happy person - jumping around, doing and trying stuff, risking and living fully. All that is movement, the same as Life is a constant movement, flow, never-ending change...
So do you want LIVE or do you want to complain?
We are not lazy! We are here to live fully and nothing can stop us!

They say about me...
My clients' feedback
I have not yet experienced such charismatic yoga teaching approach like yours. I am so happy that that day long time ago, my first class was with you.
Dear Judita, I have to thank you again for your yoga teaching program. Even though, it is hard, your enthusiasm and yoga-passion is infectious. I have done yoga with many teachers, but usually they were boring and dry. You on the other hand, live the full potential of your body and you teach us how to to do so as well. What is great about having your videos at home is that nobody can see me practicing and also I can adjust the time which I am in a position according to my needs. Well done!
I go to Judita's yoga classes on regular basis. I come and the first downward facing dog feels like OMG... I can't do it. Then I listen to Judita and concentrate on my breath and my inner power and all of the sudden things are getting better. Then I know I have started using my inner strength and it is thanks to the great leadership of the yoga instructor...
I can´t believe how much creativity and energy you have inside of you. Loveliness! 🙂 I am still in proces of searching my own way in life... How come you are not afraid to open your soul to the world? I am still fighting my fears, but I am so happy, that you promote life without fear and without feelings like: I must, I can´t, I don´t deserve... Your thoughts are so needed. I feel fantastic pasion and courage from all your work. Thank you!!!! <3 I wish you love and happiness!
Live fully even when it is raining!
I know that life can get tough sometimes. It is only the question of what conscious decision you take regarding your life. I see the bright path in being open and relaxed, in trusting life and knowing that everything has its meaning and purpose. Learn from every situation, gain more clarity and inner peace and most importantly